Quality control pistachios
We do our best to ensure that our consumers receive a product that is of superior quality and which consistently passes all food safety and service concerns. We hold ourselves to a considerably higher standard than any known competitors, and are proud to produce healthy products for healthy customers. We aim every day to make our business better. Specifically, we have been performing many analytical tests.

Analytical tests
Physical analysis
At each step of the production physical tests are performed according to our quality plan. This always meets the expectations and high demands of our customers.
Chemical analysis
All chemical tests that are necessary for pistachio products, such as the determination of the peroxide and FFA levels are performed in our laboratory.
Toxic analysis
The aflatoxin analysis is being conducted with the latest technology.
Microbiological analysis
Green Kernel is well equipped of executing all the necessary microbiological tests. All of Green Kernel products are going through the microbiological analysis before final delivery.
Raw material Management
All of the approved raw materials are labeled with the tracking numbers, and these materials are labeled to ensure maximum traceability of our products and also stored in the area that is designated for each of them.
Storage area management
Our raw materials, semi products and finished goods are holds for inspection and all of them stores in different areas that are designated for them to prevent any cross contamination.
Quality Management Systems